Kindness is a Reflection of the Soul
Patty Ferris is a senior member of the Training In Power Academy, a public speaker and educator. As this month’s guest blogger, Patty shines a light on the importance of kindness and how we might live it out in the world.
It’s struck me lately that the world could use some more kindness. But what is kindness really? Like any curious soul, I decided to do some research to find the meaning behind the word. Thank goodness I did because I not only found what kindness is, but what much about what kindness is not. It’s not a noun, or a verb, or even an adjective. It’s not an action or a fear. In the Oxford Dictionary, kindness is a concept.
I believe Kindness is a reflection of the soul.
In the UK, “kindness” is the most searched word by children seeking word definitions. The Oxford Dictionary states it as having or showing a friendly, generous or considerate nature. No wonder children are seeking out this word!
Although I commit to not writing about politics or religion, kindness is a large part of both. Bishop Marian Edgar Budde made a huge contribution to both religion and politics the day after the presidential inauguration in the U.S. She was pleading to the leaders of the country to show mercy on the people in the country who are in fear, just being who they are.
We can provide others examples through kind acts of acceptance, unity, inclusion, empathy, warmth, generosity, respect and most of all love. In fact, we not only want to be treated with kindness, we want to be treated with love.
When I have felt loneliness, I realize I am feeling a lack of love. This singular feeling provides me with the largest segue to connecting with Source or the Divine Energy of the Universe.
Being treated with kindness is life. Without kindness, we literally starve. Communities lose their integrity and their ability to work together. Without that unity or cohesiveness, food doesn’t get harvested, children are not watched or guided. We lose our respect for the animal kingdom.
Without kindness our elders don’t thrive, so neither does the knowledge they carry. And if knowledge doesn’t thrive, neither does our history. No history, no community, no knowledge, no connection. No spiritual existence. Animals don’t have to make decisions regarding kindness, it’s a part of their nature.
Kindness is the key to our spiritual integrity.
The youth in the UK understand: kindness is the most important word to know.
It helps us understand that love is everything. And that Source is our life, providing us a cohesiveness to our communities, reverence to the Earth and all the beings that are part of it. Source is love, therefore the impetus that gives us life. And this is what keeps us here on this lovely sphere.
And this is the reflection of our souls.