More Courses
Below, are some of our most popular ancillary courses. Download our Course Descriptions for all courses, and give us a call when you are ready for your next quest to create a life of power and passion!
Level 4, 5 and 6 (Teacher Track) Information.
Children's Courses

There are three children’s courses available: Ages 4-8, Ages 9-12, Ages 13+. This special learning brings children and parents together in a special bond of communication. The course honours the child’s intuitive powers and individuality, with techniques for learning that builds confidence. Children are encouraged to use their natural gifting, helping them to feel cherished, creative, safe, strong, and comfortable with themselves and others.
Master Warrior
The Master Warrior program was developed over a decade ago by Faye Fitzgerald, the founder of Training in Power™ Academy. It serves to establish the potentiality of longevity in the physical form, and, to support energetic healers and students in maintaining vital life force as they elevate their vibration. Do you seek self-mastery, confidence, courage, and health? Here's a year-round program of physical wellness and includes weekly meditations.
Archetype Course
Fairy tales, mythology, and the media have all contributed to our inherited acceptance of archetypes and stereotypes. An example would be the “starving artist”: an archetype for those who believe one must suffer to produce great art. Unfortunately, these archetypes can be limiting when we are trying to live our own stories. We can be unaware of their impact on us individually. Explore your own mythology in this metaphysical course.