Imagination or Intuition? How to trust the difference.

In our April blog post, with the help of published writer and veteran faculty member Lisa Voisin, we explored the relationship between imagination, creativity and meditation.  Imagination keeps our ideas flowing and mind open, but sometimes it can make us question what is real or not. This can be tricky if you’re on the path…

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Are you a psychic sponge? Three ways to stop sucking it up.

Picture this scene: You’re at a party interacting with fun people, laughing and feeling good. A friend approaches, who you had noticed wasn’t looking so great when you entered the room. They start to share the contents of their depressing day and before you know it, your own mood starts to drop. They finish their…

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A Gift for You: Heal the Soul Series

It’s the holiday season! Parties, food, travel, gift giving…While you might be checking off a gift giving list for others, remember to also include yourself! What gifts will you receive in 2024? Here at the Academy, we’d like to share the gift of the Heal the Soul Series. This 10 part workshop and podcast series…

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Following your dreams: The work of transformation

This past summer, my partner and I packed up our family and moved across the country to open a new chapter of our lives and follow our dreams. It was a big move on many levels and after six months of preparing, traveling, unpacking and landing in our new life, we were ready to embrace…

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Three tips for better inner-communication

If you boil down most relationship conflicts to one thing, it’s communication. Or rather, miscommunication!  But how does this play out in the most important relationship we have? No, not with our family or life partner, our relationship with ourselves. In our foundational course, we teach that our external relationships are often a type of…

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Are you a Spiritual Adult? 3 things that can hold you back.

The term Spiritual Adult is something we introduce in our Foundational course, Level 1. We use it to describe the maturity that comes with taking responsibility for your spiritual path, choices and overall wellbeing.  While we all automatically become adults biologically, Spiritual Adulthood can come at any time in life, or not at all! One…

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The Energetics of Relationships: Are you Yin or Yang?

Be it romantic, friendship, family or business, relationships are a cornerstone of the human experience. We are all made up of male and female energies, described in the East as Yin and Yang. We reached out to Faye Fitzgerald, founder of the Training in Power™ Academy to chat about how we can better understand Yin and Yang to…

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The Truth of Relationships, an interview with Toni Provins

Toni Provins is a senior faculty member in the Training Power Academy, and has decades of experience in social work, executive coaching and as a real estate entrepreneur. Among the many courses she teaches, Toni teaches both Relationship 1 and Relationship 2. We sat down with her to discuss the importance of Relationships and how…

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