Kindness is a Reflection of the Soul

Patty Ferris is a senior member of the Training In Power Academy, a public speaker and educator.  As this month’s guest blogger, Patty shines a light on the importance of kindness and how we might live it out in the world. It’s struck me lately that the world could use some more kindness. But what…

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Spirituality and Money: Friends or Foe?

My relationship to money has always been fraught. I pursued a Spiritual path right from my early adulthood and felt daunted by the financial demands of the real world. I wanted to travel, take courses and experience life, and of course, all these things cost money. I felt conflicted because I had these ambitions and…

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“Be the Change” and go Deeper

“Be the Change you want to see in the World” – Mahatma Gandhi This powerful quote has found its way into the mainstream over the last few years. We see it on memes, t-shirts, water-bottles and cards. It’s great to have such a positive message visible in so many ways, but it’s worth sitting and…

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This decade, how about making a 10 year Soul Plan?

Welcome to 2020! As we complete the first month of the new decade, did you take time to look back? When the New Year turned on January 1st, social media was a flurry of “A decade in review”, be it through music playlists, photos or lists of accomplishments, folks took the time to take stock…

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New Year, Your World

Setting New Year’s intentions or manifestations have become an alternate to the old trope of New Years Resolutions, which can be a recipe for disappointment. How are they different? Consider one as a “what will I change” list and the other as a “who will I be” or “How will I feel” list. While we…

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This is YOUR 2016

A few years ago, instead of New Years resolutions I started to make a yearly intention for manifestation. This is a magical way to start the year and a very empowering exercise to make this year YOURS. Here is a formula I like to use on New Years Eve. It can be a personal exercise…

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