Kindness is a Reflection of the Soul
Patty Ferris is a senior member of the Training In Power Academy, a public speaker and educator. As this month’s guest blogger, Patty shines a light on the importance of kindness and how we might live it out in the world. It’s struck me lately that the world could use some more kindness. But what…
Read MoreWhat’s in an aura? Why the energy around you matters
The concept of auras has become quite mainstream over the years, though many still consider this area relegated to the skills of a few psychics and the impressive display of auric photography. What is an aura, really? And how might you access your perceptive skills to better know yourself and others? What is an aura?…
Read MoreWhat’s JOY got to do with it? How to feel more Joy into your life.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your joy-ratio right now? Could you use some more joy in your life? It can be so easy to feel low when you open up your news feed or grapple with the to-do list of the week. Life can feel like a slog, a series of…
Read MoreImagination or Intuition? How to trust the difference.
In our April blog post, with the help of published writer and veteran faculty member Lisa Voisin, we explored the relationship between imagination, creativity and meditation. Imagination keeps our ideas flowing and mind open, but sometimes it can make us question what is real or not. This can be tricky if you’re on the path…
Read MoreMeditation and Imagination, what’s the connection?
As someone who is always fostering both my creative and meditation practice, I often find myself asking big questions about the connection between meditation and creativity. Are spiritual people more creative? Does meditation access your imagination? Or are these two different states? I reached out to award winning author and senior faculty member of the…
Read MoreAre you a psychic sponge? Three ways to stop sucking it up.
Picture this scene: You’re at a party interacting with fun people, laughing and feeling good. A friend approaches, who you had noticed wasn’t looking so great when you entered the room. They start to share the contents of their depressing day and before you know it, your own mood starts to drop. They finish their…
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