This decade, how about making a 10 year Soul Plan?
Welcome to 2020! As we complete the first month of the new decade, did you take time to look back? When the New Year turned on January 1st, social media was a flurry of “A decade in review”, be it through music playlists, photos or lists of accomplishments, folks took the time to take stock of the last 10 years.
When I stepped back to look at the last decade, while I was intrigued by what happened, I was truly moved by who happened. What I mean by who, is what happened within me, who I have become over a decade of experience and inner work. With all the achievements and struggles, the goals that I met and didn’t meet, I evolved – a lot! I recognize I’m less afraid of a person, more seated on my spiritual path and have found a sincere confidence in my leadership.
Which doesn’t mean I don’t have more work to do! A lot of people make resolutions at New Years, citing goals, plans and aspirations. With this reflection of the past decade, I considered what it might mean to make a 10-year plan, but from a spiritual perspective. Given how much has shifted in the last 10 years, why not think about how I’d like to evolve moving forward?
If I’ve learned anything from my Spiritual Work through Level 1 onwards, it is that everything in life works from the inside out. If I really want to make a change in my external reality, I have to do the work internally to change myself first. So I decided to make a 10 year Soul Plan. I know that if I want to achieve my aspirations and dreams, I’ll need to build it internally first. What does it feel like to me, in my ideal vision of 2030?
This can be a really fun exercise to try:
Visualize yourself in 2030 and feel what it means to be you. Consider this from a holistic perspective:
Physically: How does it feel to be in your body? Imagine yourself in full health and vitality, no matter what decade you are in in your life.
Mentally: Consider what you are focusing on in your life. Are you engaged and stimulated? Peaceful and contemplative? Maybe a healthy balance of both?
Emotionally: How do you feel about your relationship with yourself? Do you love yourself? Are you inspired? Engaged? Happy? How do you wish for yourself to mature emotionally given where you are today.
Spiritually: Feel your connection to the divine, your destiny and your spirit. Imagine where you will be in 10 years, how steady and open you will feel.
How does all of this connect to your greater life? What contributions are you making? How are your relationships? Consider a vision of 2030 with health, fulfillment and self-love at its core, or whatever is most meaningful for you!
The power of visualization is well documented scientifically as an effective tool to realize your goals. Establish a 10 year spiritual plan and reinforce it through visualization and meditation!