Energy work
What’s in an aura? Why the energy around you matters
The concept of auras has become quite mainstream over the years, though many still consider this area relegated to the skills of a few psychics and the impressive display of auric photography. What is an aura, really? And how might you access your perceptive skills to better know yourself and others? What is an aura?…
Read MoreAre you a psychic sponge? Three ways to stop sucking it up.
Picture this scene: You’re at a party interacting with fun people, laughing and feeling good. A friend approaches, who you had noticed wasn’t looking so great when you entered the room. They start to share the contents of their depressing day and before you know it, your own mood starts to drop. They finish their…
Read MoreA Gift for You: Heal the Soul Series
It’s the holiday season! Parties, food, travel, gift giving…While you might be checking off a gift giving list for others, remember to also include yourself! What gifts will you receive in 2024? Here at the Academy, we’d like to share the gift of the Heal the Soul Series. This 10 part workshop and podcast series…
Read MoreMeditation and movement Part 1: An interview with Anne Binning
In preparation for our September blog post featuring Anne Binning, we are sharing an interview with Anne from 2019, which reads just as relevant today as it did then, if not more! Enjoy! Anne is senior faculty member of the Training in Power Academy and the director of the Master Warriors Program. In Anne’s own…
Read MoreWhen it’s time for Dream Interpretation
Reposted from Training in Power Reviews Blog, June 2022. Dreams have been a source of curiosity since humans were able to conceptualize the experience of having them. Some scientists claim there to be no real significance behind our dreams. Meanwhile, revered teachers like Faye Fitzgerald, who founded spiritual academies like Training In Power, are on a…
Read MoreWhat does your favourite colour (or least!) say about you?
When my son was 2 we decided to paint his bedroom. I asked him what colour he wanted his walls to be and before the question had left my mouth, he had the answer: Orange. I admit, I was at a personal impasse. Orange is my least favourite colour and after staring at paint swatches…
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