Spirituality and Money: Friends or Foe?

My relationship to money has always been fraught. I pursued a Spiritual path right from my early adulthood and felt daunted by the financial demands of the real world. I wanted to travel, take courses and experience life, and of course, all these things cost money.

I felt conflicted because I had these ambitions and yet, pursuing financial gain seemed against my values, I equated money with greed, corruption and the ignorance of spirit. This left me to struggle for many years trying to pursue my dreams while feeling dragged down by the obligation of making money in order to survive. 

“My life would be so simple without money.” 

“If only I could just be free”

Have you said these to yourself? I certainly have over the years. 

Once I had a family and took on greater responsibilities, it became clear that my challenges around money were more than incongruous values. I was struggling to manifest much needed stability in my life and realized I had energetic and emotional blocks around money. I always struggled to have enough, leading me to cycles of dept and taking jobs that paid me much less than what my work was worth.

When I started addressing my financial issues as a part of my healing journey via the tools offered by the Academy’s foundational courses (and even this blog!), I couldn’t believe how layered my blocks around money really were. From generations of cultural programming to childhood trauma, the object of money has a lot of emotional tangles tied around it, many of them locked in on an unconscious level. 

Last month, Training in Power Academy founder Faye Fitzgerald launched the 10 part series, Your Spiritual Right to Money. Even as a longtime student of Faye’s work, I was deeply moved by the learning offered in the first 1 hour session.

Faye talks about money as “neutral” and that we are the ones who put meaning on it. She suggests how each of us as spiritual people have a right to money and truly, wouldn’t we be the best custodians of wealth? From the foundation of some of the cultural stories that program our views on money to how we become impacted in childhood, there is so much to learn here.

I am finally getting to the Truth that I deserve to have a flow of money in my life AND be spiritually fulfilled. In fact, my spiritual wealth is connected to my financial wealth if I open myself up to receive it. While we all come from different starting points, there are pieces of healing here for everyone.

I highly recommend you check out the second session live via Meetups this Friday, October 4th at 11am PT. If you’re not able to join live, subscribe to the podcast to get the recording a few days later. 

What’s your relationship to money as a spiritual person? Share with us in the comments below!