A Journey Into Past Lives

I’m Laura Stanley and I want to share what I have come to know as a “Journey Into Past Lives.” I am a psychic, a metaphysician, and a healer. I receive my intuitive information primarily in visions. I also am communicated with through feeling, hearing and sometimes just “knowing”. I am a faculty member of…

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A Journey Into Past Lives

I’m Laura Stanley and I want to share what I have come to know as a “Journey Into Past Lives.” I am a psychic, a metaphysician, and a healer. I receive my intuitive information primarily in visions. I also am communicated with through feeling, hearing and sometimes just “knowing”. I am a faculty member of…

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Who Do You Think You’re Fooling?

Did the title spook you? It was meant to. A friend of mine had done the work of putting together a comprehensive resume listing all her skills. She confessed to me that when she read it back over, it was so impressive she couldn’t believe the resume was her own. I asked her if she…

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The Art of Precision or, Be Careful What You Wish For

We all have natural abilities. Sometimes we are conscious of them and use them well. Sometimes we don’t ever fully discover them. Some people have the gift of being able to make anything work. Others can tell stories that keep you listening for hours. Everyone has something – some have many things. I can shape…

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Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again – When I Say

One of my favourite power tools is weather control. Throughout the ages, Shamans have practiced various methods of controlling the weather. Often shrouded in ritual, there are invocations, ceremonies, dances, purifications, and sometimes sacrifices. When I took Level 2 – Ancient Shamanism, I felt like my teacher was just reminding me of things I had forgotten.…

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Gotta Love Those Power Tools

I’ve been training in this energy-based system for over twenty years now. The number of “Power” tools that I’ve added to my “tool belt” is impressive. I am so grateful for the safety these tools provide me.  And I feel so much appreciation for the new ways I’ve learned of loving – myself and others. …

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The Power of Quiet

I’ve always known I was shy. Some people call me reserved. I don’t do small talk well. I called myself “socially inept” because of my discomfort in crowds and at parties. Anywhere with lots of people or noise was a place to be avoided. All my life, I viewed this as a problem – something…

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Living with Things that Sting

In the spring, a few years back, I noticed a small hornets’ nest in my outdoor kitchen. I was dismayed. Why would the hornets want to make their nest there? How was I going to get rid of it without being stung a hundred times? Would I have to pay someone to kill them? Well…

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At the End of the Parade

In the Woods

So often in my life, I have expected a big brassy fanfare or an elegant display of light to precede big spiritual moments. When I find myself waiting for the fanfare, I’m reminded of a time from my teen years. I grew up in a small town about sixty miles outside of Chicago, where the…

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One of the Most Unbreakable Powers Of All

I recently had a stirring conversation with Shaughna Born, a colleague/teacher/friend of mine. We were discussing the trait of loyalty. I shared that I had been wrestling with a relationship in which I feel that trait has been a detriment. Loyalty has always felt like a double-edged sword. When I’m loyal to someone, I feel…

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