Imagination or Intuition? How to trust the difference.
In our April blog post, with the help of published writer and veteran faculty member Lisa Voisin, we explored the relationship between imagination, creativity and meditation. Imagination keeps our ideas flowing and mind open, but sometimes it can make us question what is real or not. This can be tricky if you’re on the path…
Read MoreTraining in Power Reviews Spirit Guides Across Cultures
This article was originally published in the Sea Isle News, you can check it out here Training In Power Academy is an organization that teaches meditation and healing through coursework developed over decades. Topics include connecting with one’s spirit guide and in the article below Training In Power Academy reviews how various cultures throughout time…
Read MoreClearing the way: Dreams to Reality Workshop
TIPA Blogger Elinor puts herself in the hot seat to experience a live energy read from Laura Stanley and Jean Bruce, Training in Power Academy faculty members and creators of the free Meetup event: Dreams to Reality, a workshop to help you clear the blocks between you and your desired manifestations. The Dreams to Reality…
Read MoreAccepting failed expectations, without giving up.
Maybe you’re like me and 2022 didn’t start the way you were expecting. You’d think we’d be used to it by now with the challenges created in the last two years of the pandemic. But still I struggled after being filled with inspired New Year’s intentions, to land into a month where familiar restrictions and…
Read MoreAre you a Spiritual Seeker? Three ways to find out
I showed signs of being a seeker from a young age. I remember the stunned looks on my parent’s faces when I’d ask complex questions about the nature of life and speaking to spirit freely without ever expecting an answer. But it was a traumatic event in my teens that set my course irrevocably. When…
Read MoreJuli Butler: Riding the Wavelength of Prosperity!
Juli Butler is a Senior Faculty member of the Training in Power Academy and has a passion for uplifting spiritually minded people on the topic of prosperity. In our interview together, Juli opens up about her personal journey in addressing the unconscious patterns around money and why it is so important for spiritual people to…
Read MoreHow to be a resilient empath in tumultuous times
There is no question it’s been a challenging few months. Social distancing protocols have pushed most of the world into their homes and forced to do their work online. I have spoken to many empathic people who are having specific challenges with living in a “remote” reality. You’d think that being separate from people would…
Read MoreAnchoring our bodies in light: An interview with Anne Binning
This month we sat down with Anne Binning, senior faculty member of the Training in Power Academy and the director of the Master Warriors Program. In Anne’s own words, the Master Warrior program, “brings health, longevity and fitness to our physical forms, while we pursue our spiritual path.” Anne has a unique passion for merging…
Read MoreTIPA Podcast #2: The Journey from Seeker to Teacher
We are pleased to present Episode #2 of the Training in Power Podcast! In this compelling episode speak to Vals Fauquier, the Director of the Training in Power Academy. She shares her personal story of discovering herself as a seeker of knowledge and evolving to become a spiritual teacher and leader. Check it out below!
Read MoreThe Sound of…silence? How to know if you’re clairaudient
Do you think you might be psychic? Or maybe sensitive to energy? Most people have an inkling that there is more to this reality then what you can tangibly experience. In our foundational course of Level 1, we understand that each person has their own system of interpreting energy that is as unique as a fingerprint.…
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