Katarina Loncar

Level 1 Teacher - Kitchener-Waterloo

I am a parent, a spouse, and a business professional.  My spiritual journey started in my 20’s and deepened when I took Level 1 in 2010.  Since then, I have learned to feel greater joy and fulfilment and have an underlying sense of deeper purpose in my life.  I have accumulated a very useful collection of energetic tools that I use in my day-to-day life to keep me centered and grounded.  I have learned to trust my inner knowing which has freed me from worry, resulting in more energy to devote to what matters most to me. I have learned to manage depression, reducing the low points from weeks or months in the past to mere hours today.

This work has helped me so much, that I would like to give back, and am honoured to share this knowledge with others as a teacher of Level 1.

Contact Katarina Loncar

Katarina Loncar's upcoming courses:

  • Level 1
    • September 7, 2024 - September 28, 2024
      6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

      Teacher: Katarina Loncar. Classes held on four consecutive Saturdays beginning September 7 at 6:00pm (Eastern).

  • Level 1
    • May 14, 2023 - June 4, 2023
      1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      Teacher: Katarina Loncar. Classes held on 4 consecutive Sundays starting May 14 at 1:00pm (Eastern)..
  • Level 1
    • April 4, 2023 - April 25, 2023
      6:30 pm - 10:30 pm

      Teacher: Katarina Loncar. Held on 4 consecutive Tuesdays starting April 4 at 6:30pm (Eastern).
  • Level 1
    • January 17, 2023 - February 7, 2023
      6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

      Teacher: Katarina Loncar. Held on 4 consecutive Tuesdays starting January 17 at 6:00pm (Eastern).