Level 1

You are about to attend the University of You! You will grow, you will transform, and you will come to understand that you have a rich inner world beyond your wildest imagination.

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  • Level 1
    May 29, 2023 - June 19, 2023
      Teacher: Jodi Finley. Classes held on 4 consecutive Mondays starting May 29 at 7:00pm (Eastern).
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This amazing course provides a foundation for the Academy’s core “level” courses and allows you to open to your own knowing of the metaphysical world. Many experience the learning as a remembering of knowledge locked deep inside. Let this course open the door to greater awareness and a heightened vibration.

Benefits you’ll receive

  • increased vibration (for healing and intuitive skills)
  • effective shielding techniques
  • a meditation system that engages the active mind
  • energetic healing system
  • an extraordinary manifestation position

Prerequisites:  None

Course Description

Level I is a comprehensive study of the metaphysical world of power and your place in it. Course content includes work in ancient and modern systems with spirituality and science/physics intricately woven together. Powerful, magical and transformative, Level I offers those seeking clarity, truth or change, a profound opportunity to manifest a life of passion and choice.

Class Format

The course is delivered during 4 classes over 4 weeks. You will learn through lecture, discussion, guided meditations and energetic healing techniques. The course is designed to allow you to assimilate information with an opportunity to practice your learning between each class.

  • Class One – Introduction to the Metaphysical World of Power
  • Class Two – Deep in the Metaphysical World: Accessing the Greater Mind
  • Class Three – Application of Power to Heal and Manifest: Reading Energy, Dreams
  • Class Four – Putting It All Together: Using Tools and Techniques to Live a Conscious Life

After the course, you are welcome to audit any Level 1 course anywhere in North America absolutely free for the first year. We also support and enhance your growth with monthly meetings, hosted by our teachers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Examine the connection between consciousness, energy, and healing
  • Interpret fundamental concepts of vibrational psychology, power and energy
  • Access a powerful light system for healing the self and others on all levels of body, mind and spirit
  • Practice a unique meditation system that engages the active mind, and is appropriate for both beginning and advanced learners
  • Access energetic shields to protect yourself and those you love from negative influences.
  • Safely develop your intuitive and natural psychic abilities
  • Distinguish the difference between “personal power” and “Divine Power”
  • Develop your inner knowingness
  • Cultivate tools and techniques for conscious manifestation

Read more about Level I
Download a free meditation


Regular online rate is $495. Plus taxes where applicable.

After Your Course

Once you have graduated, you are welcome to audit any Level 1 course, for free, anywhere in North America, for a full year! We also support students with monthly conference call meetings, to enhance your comprehension of living in a world of power.

We also host monthly meetings to support your growth as a personage of power.




Some FAQ’s so you can best enjoy your course!

How long are the classes?

Each of your 4 classes will be approximately 3 to 4 hours in length, depending on the number of registered students.

What should I bring?

The course is very rich in content, and so you will likely want to keep a record of your observations and learning. We highly recommend bringing a journal or writing materials.

Dress comfortably! You will also want to bring some water and snacks (preferably protein), as we work in energy with you and you are likely to become very (!) hungry during class.

What if I can’t make a class?

Each class builds on the previous one, so you would have to ‘re-take’ the course, either with your current teacher or another teacher with a scheduled course. Sorry, there are no refunds once courses have started except under emergency situations. You can find out more about our cancellation and refund policies in the Fine Print area of this page. We’ll do our best to accommodate you finding another course!

What happens once I complete the 4 classes?

Welcome to our community! In your last class, your teacher will give you information regarding options you have to continue your learning. Information includes how to participate in Monthly Meetings we conduct to keep you on your path and to further your knowledge about concepts learned in Level 1. You will also be eligible to join other programs such as Master Warrior, and you will have the opportunity to have two private sessions with your teacher. There is much to do and much to learn!

Who do I contact with any questions?

We are here to serve you! Ask your teacher for further information, or contact us at the Academy at any time.

Enjoy your course!

We encourage you to read the FINE PRINT

Below, we outline our Cancellation and Refund policies, as well as your Acknowledgement and Release Agreement when registering for a course with Training in Power. And if you are interested, here’s a peek at our Privacy Policy.

Granted, it’s a long read, yet it is important that you have a full understanding of Policies.

By registering for a course, you agree to the following:

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Please note: sorry, there are no full or partial refunds once a course has started.

In Town Courses

In Town courses are taught in the teacher’s city. Refunds are issued less a $50 administration fee up to 7 days prior to course start date. After 7 days before course start date, no refunds will be issued except under emergency situations approved by the Academy.

Out of Town Courses Cancellation/Refund Policy

Out of Town courses – when a teacher travels from their home town in to another city. No refund 30 days prior to course start date. Full refund (less $50 administration fee) if notice is given in writing to the teacher more than 30 days before course start date, or if course is cancelled by the Academy.

No full or partial refunds for partially finished courses (applies to all in town and out of town courses).

NSF Policy

A non-refundable fee of $25 will be assessed for all insufficient funds whether by credit card, PayPal or cheque.


  • In Town Rates: refers to courses taught in the teacher’s home town.
  • Out of Town Rates: refers to courses where the teacher must travel to teach outside their home town.
  • Tuition Rate: the rate for the course
  • GST/HST (Canada only): all courses in Canada are subject to GST/HST of their respective province. Courses in the U.S. are subject to applicable local taxes, if any.
  • Credit Card and PayPal Fees: appropriate fees will be added by PayPal during “Check Out” for each transaction.


Acknowledgement and Declaration

If you have a physical condition which requires special treatment throughout the day, please do not attend this program until your health has stabilized and your Health Professional agrees that attending the program would be beneficial.

If you are currently in treatment for psychological issues or problems, please do not attend this program unless you and your Health Professional agree that your emotional health is stable and that attending would be beneficial for you.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read the above information thoroughly and carefully and that I understand it. I have carefully considered all questions and have answered them truthfully.

Release Agreement

Programs offered by Training in Power Academy are intended to assist you with your spiritual development. Because these programs are most effective when you discover them for yourself, rather than having them explained to you in advance, you may not be fully informed about the nature of the programs prior to enrolling. The effects of these programs on different individuals are not entirely predictable. The overwhelming majority of participants feel that the programs are beneficial and have a positive, exciting effect on their lives; however, you may not agree. Therefore, we ask that you make the following acknowledgments and representations and that you execute the following agreements.

  1. Acknowledgments and Representations
  1. I understand that I may not be fully informed about the content of the Training in Power course I am about to take. While I understand in general terms the personal power and intuitive abilities the training is intended to help me achieve, the means used to attain those abilities have not been fully explained to me. I understand and acknowledge that the training is designed as an experience and that any benefits I receive from it will come through my own discovery and initiative, which could be defeated by prior explanation.
  2. I understand and acknowledge that in spite of the best efforts of Training in Power, I may not find value in the course, or I may experience potentially uncomfortable emotions as a result of taking the training. I assume all risk of such consequences, even though I do not fully understand the nature of the training I am about to attend. I understand that my response may depend on many factors, including such things as previous life experience, belief systems, individual openness to change, the ability to hear what others are saying and a willingness to be open to new information.
  3. I understand that the course is not psychotherapy nor medical therapy, nor is it a substitute for these services. I understand that the course leaders are not necessarily licensed psychiatrists or psychologists.
  4. I acknowledge that if I have mental or emotional problems or instabilities I should not take this course. If I have concerns about my mental or emotional health, I have consulted a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional before enrolling in this course, and that a mental health professional has approved my participation in the course.
  5. I do not have physical problems or deficiencies that would prevent me from fully participating in the course schedule. If I have any doubts about my physical ability to participate according to the published schedule, I have resolved all such doubts by consultation with my private physician prior to enrolling in this course. In such case, my physician has approved my participation in the course.
  6. If I have concerns about my mental or physical well-being or my level of stress during any class or meeting session, I agree to notify the teacher immediately. I understand that I am not bound to stay in a class or meeting against my will. If during the class or meeting (or afterwards) I feel the need for assistance from anyone, professional or otherwise, I take full responsibility for leaving the class or meeting and obtaining it for myself.
  7. I understand that Training in Power is relying upon the truth and accuracy of the above acknowledgments and representations in evaluating my eligibility to participate in its classes and meetings.
  1. Indemnity and Release

I accept full personal responsibility for my participation in all Training in Power classes and meetings. Therefore, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless and forever release and discharge Training in Power, its officers, agents, employees, class and meeting participants and representatives, and their successors and assigns from all injury, damage, claims, liabilities, costs and expenses (i) arising from or related to my participation in any of Training In Power’s classes and meetings, whether such claims are made on my behalf, by me or by a third party, or (ii) should any of my acknowledgments or representations in this Agreement prove to be untrue at the time they are made or subsequently. This indemnity and release includes loss, damage or injury resulting from the negligence of Training in Power or its officers, agents, employees, class and meeting participants and representatives, and their successors and assigns.

III. Dispute Resolution by Arbitration Only

If, at any time, I believe that I have claims against the Training in Power which are not released by the above agreements, I shall submit any and all such claims to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and if the claim arises in Canada, I agree to submit it to arbitration in Vancouver, British Columbia, under the applicable arbitration rules of the Commercial Arbitration Act of the Province of British Columbia, regardless of where the claim arises. In either case, I agree that the award of the arbitrator shall be binding and may be enforced by any court of proper jurisdiction. I agree that any action I may file in a court of law in violation of this Paragraph may be removed by Training in Power to arbitration, and I shall not contest such removal.

I certify that I am 18 years or older, that I have read this document carefully, and that I understand its contents.

Note: A guardian’s signature is required for those under 18 years of age.