Imagination or Intuition? How to trust the difference.

In our April blog post, with the help of published writer and veteran faculty member Lisa Voisin, we explored the relationship between imagination, creativity and meditation.  Imagination keeps our ideas flowing and mind open, but sometimes it can make us question what is real or not. This can be tricky if you’re on the path…

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Meditation and Imagination, what’s the connection?

As someone who is always fostering both my creative and meditation practice, I often find myself asking big questions about the connection between meditation and creativity. Are spiritual people more creative? Does meditation access your imagination? Or are these two different states?  I reached out to award winning author and senior faculty member of the…

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Making peace with the Writer’s Ego

The ego is known as a universal nemesis, the weaker or selfish part of ourselves and there are many ideas out there on how to deal with it. The correct placement of the Ego is a topic we cover in our foundational course and is key component to maturing in your spiritual journey. Hint: We…

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Resistance: Know your Enemy!

Waboom! The epiphany descends, a glorious new creative idea. In a Technicolor flash I see the spectrum of my next great screenplay, sure to be success, the best I’ve ever done. I scribble down the first few lines and resume my day, satisfied I’m still on track towards my dream of becoming a filmmaker of…

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